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ALL Done....and For Sale !!! ( WHAT????)

Well, it's been a whole year since my last update, and tons have happened for me. For one, I finished the camper!!!  I had a million little things to complete, but got her done around June of this year.  What a transformation!  I must say that I am so very proud of myself for completing this project.  What started out as a simple "I'll just spruce her up a bit" turned into a complete frame-up restoration...who woulda thought I could do that myself??  Surely not me. But...with the help of many others, (including the Vintage Trailer Forum, Mobiltec's online classes and continual help, UJT, my Mom and my brothers) I have succeeded.  My little Shasta looks brand new while still retaining so much original items that it is a beauty for sure.  I am so proud !!!                                                         ...

99.9% ....thanks to a Pandemic.