Well, this October is 2 years since I first introduced my camper project.
I truly thought it was 3 (haha!)-
as it feels that long since I started ripping her apart.
But happily, I can report that this past weekend....
She rolled out of the barn!!!!
But, I digress...let's get to the updates!
I got both the front and back metal panels on with the help of my brother Larry.
Thanks bro!!
I then had to cut out the last windows- the front being the biggest!
All went well, and they were done!

The front piece was a little tough-
as the frame to the tongue needed to be cut out,
and the angles were wonky (lol).
Can't say I did the best job- even after copying the cut-outs from the old metal.
It cleaned up nicely however with some circular metal pieces covering the area.
Think it turned out great !!
I got the battery / propane shelf painted,
my brother Jim drilled holes in it (thanks Jim!),
and I got it all installed.
It really looks sharp !
I installed the metal framing around the door,
and got my porch light to work!
love it !
I finished building the door (oh what a BEAR that was!!),
I have temporarily fit the door in place.
It's not closing real well,
so I need to work on that when I have another set of hands to help.
It does look nice though!
My friend John from up the mnts. helped me remove and install
a new lock cylinder into my original door handle.
(Thanks John !)
It now works great!
I installed the front window- which is huge.
Of course- it didn't fit when I first tried it in the hole...
I had to sand the whole wood frame down -
but once I did that, it fit like a glove!
Love this too !!!
I installed the ceiling Fantastic fan,
and ended up being one piece of metal short for the trim! Ahhh!
I got inventive, and cut it from another metal piece I had in the barn.
It turned out ok- don't think anyone will notice the difference :)
I trimmed it out with wood to hide the gap...it looks really nice !
I installed a battery shut-off switch to the battery box.
Now I can turn the battery on and off easily.
And lastly, but oh so importantly,
my 3 brothers all pitched in one Saturday
to remove the old barn doors and make larger ones.
I got the camper IN the barn by removing the ceiling fan,
and flattening the tires.
Well, now that the fan is in,
it was NOT coming out those old doors!

They are awesome- thanks so much guys!!!
Of course, I just had to try them-
so I hooked up the camper to my NEW truck...
(did I say I bought a new one ?
White too! Will look sweet pulling my camper :)
..and pulled this beautiful beast out into the sunlight.
She looks so amazing !!
Quite a transformation from what she looked like
in October of 20017!
I brought it up the house,
and spent the morning cleaning the inside really well.
Once the inside is decorated- I'll post some pictures.
So, there's truly only a few more things to be done.
I am oh so close....I can taste it!!
whoooo hooooo.....
And it's only taken me 2 years :)
ha ha ha
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